Recently, MBCapital Management Joint Stock Company (MBCapital) held the Launching Ceremony of Bordier - MB Flagship Growth Fund (BMFF). The Fund is a cooperation product among the Swiss Private Bank Bordier, Military Commercial Joint Stock Bank (MBBank) and MBCapital.

The Bordier - MB Flagship Fund is MBCapital's new open-end fund, alongside the MBCapital Value Fund (MBVF) and the MBBOND bond fund. BMFF's investment objective is to achieve high net asset value growth in the long term for investors through investing in high growth industry groups. The Fund will adopt a proactive investment strategy and focus on allocating the majority of its assets to quality stocks with high growth prospects, sustainable business model, sound financial position and transparency at a reasonable price.

BMFF is an investment product with international standards. Along with the participation in investment activities of experienced experts from Europe and Singapore, the Fund's Investment Council will bring a multi-dimensional and holistic view in the context of Vietnam's economic development that has connected with the world economy. With this advantage, it is expected that BMFF will choose the right time for opportunities to invest in leading stocks with high growth expectations on the Singapore stock market with a maximum investment rate of 20% net asset value of the Fund.

Mr. Evrard Bordier, CEO of Bordier Private Bank in Singapore said: “Vietnam has continued to demonstrate excellent post-Covid resilience despite global obstacles and uncertainties. Accordingly, the Fund will help our clients take advantage of potential investment opportunities in the region. Vietnam, thanks to strong infrastructure investment, urbanization and rapid growth of the middle-class population, provides the impetus for the sustainable growth of domestic consumption. We are very confident at the launch of the Fund, when the global economy begins a new growth cycle after Covid-19. With MBCapital's investment record in the past and Bordier's global wealth management experience, Bordier - MB Flagship Growth Fund is expected to help investors in Vietnam as well as internationally have an additional choice with high and stable long-term returns, avoiding negative fluctuations in the market."

Bordier - MB Flagship Growth Fund is expected to diversify investment products of MBCapital, thereby better meeting the needs of investors' risk appetite and expected return in the context that securities market have become a very important investment channel with the increasing participation of individual investors. 

Launching ceremony of Bordier - MB Flagship Growth Fund (BMFF)